listed some of my own story, some of my pics, my fav, my opinion and bla bla bla .....
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Im Sad..pAthetIC..becAuSe oF...
but it's okay, because people are different..
it's not that i don't give a damn about people's perception towards me..
if they judge me, let them be the judge..
i always believe that you can't force people to like you..
some people can accept you..
some people just plain hate you for no reason at all, maybe..
in the end, we know who we are..
just try the best to bring yourself in such in a good way..
p/s - A people like that is hard to say... I hope you can be MATURE as what YOU have SAID IT before..sometime i feel that i dont know the meaning word of patient and freind..
for him thanx coz always give me an advice and support me..thanx a lot abang..
Im tired..
So so tired.
Give me a place to catch myself back.
Give me space to breath..
I dont need anything else..
But deep inside my heart..i still keep thinking..
From the past till then..
I will not run away from fear..
I will not run and hide
I am bravery..I am pride..
Dont treat me like this..
I take a trip down memory lane..
And what I see has shown..
Im confuse..really confuse
OMG! Please..
i dont know what to say actually..
How my days?
It was just an ordinary day..
but something happen..
but nothing change my life...
i deserve to make it alright..
everythings still the same..stay the same..promise
i really love morning view..
one word its more than enough to describe it.. GREAT
and now i see this miracle of nature through my window..
honestly i was impress and amazed..
thank to Allah give me this opportunity..
Selamat pagi dunia.. =)
yOu ArE mY raInbOw..
Rainbows can be observed whenever there are water drops in the air and sunlight shining..
The rainbow effect is also commonly seen near waterfalls or fountains. The effect can also be artificially created by dispersing water droplets into the air during a sunny day..
and you know what? rainbow can make me cherish and smile when i see so beautiful..
and when people can cherish me, can make me draw a big smile and laugh..i consider them as my rainbow..hehehe
Life is full of ups and downs..sometime happy sometime not..sometime easy sometime difficult to face it..but whatever situation i need to face..just love my life...and i deserve to make it alright..
you said..paint our relation with a beautiful rainbow that come after rain..yup..i really2 do..thanx are my rainbow in my heart..huhuhu =)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
sILent mOde..
saya dengan mudah bercerita bersama kawan atau teman yang saya percaya..(sampai berkaca mata saya pun ada..bila saya suda mula bersuara..cengeng!)
saya dengan mudah dan lancar mencoretkannya di pena atau mungkin di blog ini..saya lebih senang mencoretkannya di pena putih yang bersih..semacam terapi saya rasakan..
bukan semua benda itu boleh lancar untuk dibicara, lancar untuk ditulis..
kadang-kadang ia bagaikan tersekat di kerongkong..terhenti di permulaan atau pendahuluan..
susah untuk dimengertikan dan ditafsirkan oleh diri sendiri apatah lagi untuk dinilai oleh orang lain..
sekarang saya merasakan itu..ada sesuatu..
saya tidak tahu apa yang menganggu akal fikiran dan jiwa saya..
sumpah saya tidak tahu..
Ya Allah bantu saya..hanya Mu yang tau resah itu..punca itu..asal itu..
Allah, berkatilah hidup ini dalam meniti kedewasaanku..


2 gambar di atas ialah kaunter pertanyaan e-maklum(semakan elaun n claim)@kaunter tiket air asia@kaunter tiket MAS..selalunya notebook ak n broadband ak yang jd mangsa..nasib2..huhuhu..kaunter akan ditutup tepat jam 12 (waktu makan la konon..huhuh)

ni mmg adict gan laptop n headphone..xdpt disangkal lg..
msng2 gan hal cndri..lengang sbb xtau la yg ln pg mane..mkn kot..

da yg mkn i tell u..n.lemak ni mmg best..dn nak beli ni mmg da persaingan..dn ak tak penah dapat beli..(15 bungkus je each day..yg mitak dalam 30 org,cne gak) kdg2 pau mber2 ckit..share2 la..2 sudu pn jd la ba..hehehe

da yg makan ais krim..ak rse ak duk bce blog ni..sbb khusyuk je ni..xd mknanya ak nak khusyuk cmni kalo wat asgment..hehehehe
sAyA teRpaksa..
sy sdng khusyuk dengan dunia dan alam blog sy..dan tiba2 kwn sy memyuruh sy snap gambar dia dan uploadkan di blog sy..
dia kte dia akan check nti..
dia ckp kalo pasal ln ley cite..
msti juga ley cite pasal dia..huhuhu
dan sbg memenuhi kehendak kwn sy ni..
sy tunai kn permintaan dia ini..
sbb dia kwn sy..
dn sy syg dia..

my fren..farhana with her teaching aid for macroteaching today =)
p/s - kalo sy xbuat sy kena denda nti..(oh sy slalu jd mangsa ugutan..huhu) dan sy tak nak buat denda tu..tak nak3x(ana bce dgn nada yg mcm slalu ak sebut..heheh..gerun ak bila ingt denda tu..title dia "wanted"..still remember that..oh no! hahahaha =p )
mAcro tEAching PSK
berdasarkan lukisan yang dipaparkan ni..kami dikehendaki mereka dialog yang sesuai..(kami belajar tentang tajuk hidup berjiran)..kmi dikehendaki melakukan aktiviti ini mengikut kumpulan..dan kami dibhgikn kpd 4 kumpulan..dan salah satu antara kami memberikan jawapan sebegini sewaktu membentangkan hasil kerja kumpulan..
hahahah..mau terburai isi perut ak(oh perumpamaan yang terlampau) dan kawan2 yg lain ketwa bila dengar dialog kumpulan ni(dialog di bace oleh Fazli n helson dengan nada yang sunnguh innocent)..sumpah lucu..kalo kamu berada di sana mesti kmu akan turut ketawa..sampai berair2 mata ak..mcm2 la diaorg ni..huhu
p/s-sy sgt enjoy gan macroteaching td =)
bila Lelaki PEganG PeNyapu..

interframe lebih2 plak baby ni..ak nak fokus fazli sebenarnya..

hebat la fazli..ak suke lalaki yg tak kisah cmni
ak tak ske lelaki yg meletakkan keje mypu,memasak,cuci pinggan,mengemas n bla..bla..bla.. msti pmpn buat@keje pmpn..common la..dont be too stereotype and do together boleh tak? It will be more nice k! =)
sAyA oRang MeLaYU..
Orang Melanau tinggal di dalam rumah panjang (yang dibina dengan tinggi). Namun, masyarakat Melanau pada masa kini telah mengubah cara kehidupan mereka dengan tinggal di dalam rumah kampung yang mengikut corak orang Melayu. Masyarakat Melanau yang bukan beragama Islam mempercayai makhluk ghaib yang dipanggil Ipok.
Suku etnik Melanau berkumpul di persisiran pantai seperti kawasan lembah utara Sungai Rajang, Igan, Mukah, Oya, dan Bintulu.
Kegiatan ekonomi utama mereka adalah menangkap hasil laut dan menjadi petani padi sawah Selain ini, perusahaan sagu juga diusahakan oleh kaum ini. Pokok sagu tumbuh di kawasan yang berpaya. Pokok Sagu hanya boleh ditebang selepas sepuluh tahun. Tepung sagu atau lemantak diperoleh daripada isi pokok sagu yang dipanggil ripo. Ripo dijemur sehingga kering dan diproses sebelum dijadikan lemantak, iaitu tepung sagu..
Perkataan Melanau (Loghat Matu-Daro)- Makan = Keman
- Minum = Tuteng
- Air = Anum,Nya'am
- Siapa = Sai, Yai
- Awak = Mo,Ka'au, Nou, Kan
- Nama = Ngadan
- Rumah = Lebuk, Kubou
- Apa = Wakno,Inou, Nau
- Khabar = Britah, dengah
- Jalan = Makau
- Mandi = Temuk
- duduk = munguk
- berdiri = tiger
- baring = beleg
- kencing = besinik
- berak = betae
- tandas = jamben/jelatong/jungah
- Bagus = Da'au
- Bila = Pidan
- Kenapa = Inauhal
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
aKu n DiRIMu..

aku dan dirimu..

Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone..
I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run..
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess..
It's a love story, baby, just say yes..

pokok kelapa
p/s - dia yg suggest sy jd pokok kelapa n pokok mangga..huhuhu
jaNGaN sAkiti..
tetapi rasa disakiti adalah lebih perit..
susah untuk dikatakan..
menjadi orang yang menyakiti..
bahagiakah kita..
oh tidak..
saya tidak fikir begitu..
walaupun saya belum pernah menyakiti orang lain dengan betul2..
tetapi saya amat takut..
saya akan jadi orang yang menyakiti..
saya tersepit..
antara ya atau tidak..
kenapa perasaan saya tidak menentu..
saya sering tidak yakin dengan apa saya lakukan sekarang..
yang saya lalui sekarang..
kadang2 saya amat yakin dengan keputusan saya..
hadir rasa serba tidak kena dibenak hati saya..
hadir rasa belum bersedia...
memberi dan membalas
oh saya memang tidak tahu..
sumpah saya tidak tahu..
bila saya mula berfikir dengan dalam..
saya akan rasa resah..
saya tidak faham diri saya..
saya takut saya akan mengecewakan orang..
saya benar2 buntu..
jangan sakiti....
Monday, April 27, 2009
aPa SayA Buat..
tarikh: 27 April 2009
tempat :kelas SN 2
waktu: 12pm - 1.00pm
subjek:energetic in chemistry (SCE 3109)
ok sekrang adalah waktu kelas kimia yang di ajar oleh En.Ruslan..kamu lihat pa yang sy hanya berpeluk tubuh dan kemudia berposing bersama helson(he is my classmate) tanpa menyalin sebarang nota yang ditulis di hadapan..kawan2 lain sibuk menyalin nota dan mendengar penerangan daripada en ruslan tapi sy hanya duduk memerhatikan keadaan sekeliling..
sumpah sy xingat tajuk yg kmi bljr pasal coated kalo xsilap..satu je yg melekat di kepala saya kalo nak coated plastic use plumbum or copper first(i dont know which one, but hopefully betul la salah satu) before proceed with second saduran..
sy tidak tahu otak n jiwa sy kemana dn pa yang sy pk kn..yg sy tau sy rse n otak sy bukan disitu..oh sy tak tau pa mau jd gan sy..lately ni malas btl(tp mls2 pn smlm sy bjya siapkan 2 practical report dan refleksi BIG sy..riak la tu..anak sape la ni)..
sy rse sy akn mpunyai dya tumpuan yg tinggi bila sy dah mula berazamkn sesuatu tp kalo sy xd hati@malas mmg xley kate pe..huhuhu..dn seingt sy, pernah skli je sy salin note yg en ruslan tulis kat tak minat sgt subjek ni..lg2 bila da pengiraan..i hate math not good in this subject..although i got A1 for math but i only got 3B for my add math in SPM..but more than half of my classmate got A1 n A2..see..betulkan sy xpndi math..skrg ni lg la..hilang terus..hohoho
p/s-oh tapi sy perlu berubah coz the examintaion is around the corner..berusaha utk berubah Yana!

a2ly this bookmark for pertandingan anugerah inovasi zon sabah that will be held on 28 n 29 April 2009 at IP Gaya..Mdm Ida and Miss Midah will represent our colleague for group while for Individual will represent by En. Ruslan..So they ask us to help them..actually we have three design but i dont have the sample for the third bookmark..
there was a story behind this bookmarks..huhu..but let farhana n me n some of my fren know need to share with others..huhuh..
Good Luck for them..Hope there will be something good i can hear after this..
p/s - we took 4 hour to complete this (8.00 am -
Sunday, April 26, 2009

sy punye..
but at the first time i saw laugh..never cross in my mind in this age(22 years old..old already..huhuhuu) i will get a teddy bear as a present..i thought it was a cute pillow..but im wrong..whatever..i still like and appreciate the sweet although the face of the puca really fierce..sometime at night i scared to see puca's eye..heheheh..
for all the teachers..thank you so much.. It must be the best experienced i never had.. I really love and enjoy to be in this was truly a great experience for me..I met lots of kind and helpful teachers..Honestly, i am having fun for my practicum in this school. I hope to be in that school for longer practicum period.. That must be great! I appreciate the help from every human in the school include the pupils..Having fun with them too...
TaNPA sEDar..
and its happen to me last evening..
we not arrange to meet each other..
and im not inform him i want go there..
him too..
but suddenly i meet him there..huhu
i felt so happy because i do miss him so much..
its more than enough for me although we just meet for a few minute maybe less than 5 minute..
but its still can make me felt relieve and smile for every moment until now..
if you can know how much im happy for the moment
if you can read this but...
its ok..
you no need to know..
let me be the one who know..
thank you..
Saturday, April 25, 2009
dah lama sgt dah sy tak drive lg2 kereta manual..kerana di rumah ayah hanya membenarkan sy drive kereta auto..mmg sy seorg pemandu yang tidak mahir dan tidak cekap lg2 kereta manual wlpn sudah memiliki lesen Januari 2005 (dah 4thn lbh yana oi)..dn drumah bla sy nak bwak kete msti ayh tampalkn tanda P di cermin depan dan belakang kereta (kecik hati apa ley buat tu kereta merecedes dia bkn kereta mercedes ak..hohoho)
dan ak beberapa kali dimarahi oleh long kerana sibuk membetulkan tudung time driving(oh ini mmg habit ak suda..seingat ak lebih daripada 5 kali ak berbuat demikain..huhuhu) dan ada peristiwa yg takut tp lucu utk di kenang..dn mmg smpi mti ak akn ingt..hahahaaha

feeling la plak..i love singing while driving..

bapak serius minah ni..hehehe..

mungkin inilah yang dikatakan mempunyai daya tumpuan
yang sangat tinggi mcm dalam kuiz ak amik smlm..hahaha
dIri sENdIRI..
sy tak tahu pa yg sy rse..
sy tak tahu pa yg sy nak..
tak tahu kenapa jadi begiitu..
yg sy tahu esk sy kuar bndr..
Friday, April 24, 2009
p/s: haiya kenapa perlu rindu..esk dia keje xley kaco..huhuhu
Bercita-cita tinggi dan orangnya serius - kalo gan org lum kenal ye kot..
Suka mendidik dan dididik - haih bakal cikgu ba ni..
Sangat mudah melihat kelemahan orang dan suka mengkritik - yup..
Rajin dan setiap yang dibuat nampak keuntungan - yeke ha?
Suka smart, kemas dan teratur -absolutely me..
Bersifat sensitif, berfikiran mendalam -ngam la tu..
Pandai mengambil hati orang lain -pndi2 je quiz ni..boleh la ckit2
Pendiam kecuali telah dirangsang-betul3..kalo ditmpt asing la..
Agak pemalu - hmm..heheheh
Daya tumpuan yang sangat tinggi - bila masa plak time jwb exam ye kot..
Mudah mendisiplinkan diri sendiri - dr dri kita ja ba ni..
Badannya sihat tetapi mudah diserang selsema - bru baik dari selsema..mcm tau2 je
Bersikap romantik tetapi tidak pandai mempamerkannya - ye mmg sy cmni..
Cukup sayang pada kanak-kanak - i love kids k!
Suka duduk di rumah - rumahku syurgaku..k fullstop! ak mmg ske duk rmh..
Setia pada segala-galanya - of course..
Perlu belajar kemahiran sosial - ya ak krg pndi brkomunikasi especially gn org yg >tua dr ak
Cukup cemburu yang sangat tinggi - ya sy akui..kdg2 bwa pdh pd dri sndri..heheh

hehehe..ak dan hans..
tp hans mmg anggun n cantik awek c hakim ba ni..semoga cepat2 khwn hans..xsbr nak tgk anak ko n hakim..confirm comel ni..heheheh..
miLik SIapa kah JeJAka INi?

ready to move..

oh dont take my picture..
he is very kind hearted and sporting..he is already 3o years old but still like teenagers bep! caiyo la singing while driving..huhuhu..its ok u have beautiful voice..hohohoho..honestly abg, i not lie..he is a bussinessman k..
for Abg thanx a lot ya for helping us!
p/s: jgn sape2 cba nak jatuh ht kerana jejaka ni bakal melangsungkan perkahwinan bersama pilihan hatinya (abg pngl gurl dia sygku, ak nampak kat nset abg..hehehehe..jhtnya abg tak marah pn bila ak gtau..heheh..) pada 17 mei nanti..selamat pengantin baru abang..nti kmi beli hadiah k.. =) jejaka ini milik awek dia k!
tAg fRom SuZan..
2. Anda lebih suka air kelapa atau air tebu?
- both but im prefer air kelapa kot..
3. Apa pandangan anda mengenai isu jerawat tumbuh selepas makan kacang?
- mcm kalo ikt fakta sn mcm mitos je kalo sy mau mkn je..jerawat iu belakang kira
4. Anda paling tertarik dengan lelaki/perempuan yang macamana?
- sempoi and have sense of humour..can make me smile and laugh when i with him..
5. Apakah perkara yang wajib anda buat sebelum tidur?
- usually,dgr mp3 dlu tp kt rumah read book n bce doa kemudian peluk bantal..zzzzzzzzzz
Section 2 : Soalan yang memerlukan anda berfikir dengan lebih mendalam!
1. Andaikan ada orang menghina ahli keluarga anda. Apakah yang anda buat?
- langkah mayat saya family is everything for me k! (ALAMAK! TIBA2 EMO LA PLAK..HUHUHU)
2. Adakah anda akan minta tolong kawan anda yang dalam kesusahan walaupun dia pernah khianati anda?
- tak kot
3. Andaikan besok hari terakhir anda hidup. Apakah perkara yang anda ingin buat sebelum mati?
- jumpa mak n ayah sy..(mitak2 dijauhkan amalan sy mc tidak cukup, sy insan yg mc lemah n kerdil disisi Allah..byk lg yg sy perlu lakukan dlm hdp ini..iman saya mc lemah..ilmu agama sy mc cetek..)
4. Adakah anda akan pilih orang yang anda cintai atau orang yang anda sayangi sebagai pasangan hidup?
- of semua bergantung kepada jodoh dan takdir..kita hanya merancang, Allah yang menentukan..
5. Apakah yang membuatkan anda bersemangat untuk hidup sampai sekarang?
- Alllah, My family, My friends dan Abang..
6. Andaikan masa dapat diputarkan balik, apakah yang anda ingin betulkan?
- Nothing..i love my life jurney..
7. Adakah anda akan give-up jika perkara yang anda lakukan asyik gagal?
- maybe yes maybe no..depend on situation..sometime we need to give up doing something..its more worth to give up than suffer..
8. Adakah anda akan memaafkan orang yang telah merosakkan kehidupan dan kerjaya anda?
- I dont know..maybe yes..its about life..anything can happen..percaya kepada takdir..setiap kejadian da hikmahnya..
9. Andaikan kawan anda mengidap penyakit berjangkit. Adakah anda akan masih berkawan dengan dia?
- Yupp..kawan tetap kawan..
Okay that's all : The person who I want to tag are - Aireen..Mus..Teja..Long..
p/s; for suzan, thank U =)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
yANg PerTaMa..


last Tuesday i got my first bill from celcom..huhuhu..i need to pay it for using celcom broadband.. you know what? it is the first bill i got in my life since i was born..and i need to pay it using my own im little bit excited..hahahah..(its sound like stupid rite..huhuhu)
before this, just my friends got bill every month because they already use the broadband early than me and most of them used postpaid not like me just used prepaid (im still loyal with my celcom UPAX number k?)..
one of my friends said i was crazy..coz happy got the bill without realise when i got the bill means i need to pay it and to pay it, i need to use my money and means my money in my account will be why i should happy with the bill...hahahah
actually i notice this my dear fren.. but what make me really happy and excited because im felt that im already old(adult actually..oh im not too old, still young lady =p) already have my own responsibility need to pay it every month by using my own it will teach me to be more careful while spending my money coz i need to budget it every month..oh i already have commitment now and realise me that im not a small kids anymore please act as an adult yana..
before this i just saw my father do all this when it come my turn,i already know how my father felt.. so now, i more appreciate my money..sometime i do used my money for unimportant stuffs and in other words just waste my money for buy thing that i should not from now on i need to learn to budget my money and manage my money well..and also throw my bad habit ( buy clothes while go to the town or decrease my spending at know what? im hard die fan of Giant..hahahahah)
p/s: oh sy sudah dewasa sy harus menyedari hakikat itu.. =p
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Lahir, kemudian membesar menjadi kanak-kanak, riang ria di alam persekolahan. Seterusnya bergelar remaja, melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi, menjadi dewasa, berumah tangga, beranak-pinak dan akhirnya putaran kehidupan itu berlaku lagi pada generasi yang akan datang..
Suatu ketentuan yang sudah pasti. Tetapi dalam mengharungi liku-liku kehidupan itu, manusia sering berdepan dengan pelbagai perkara. Antaranya nasib atau takdir, usaha dan kemahuan serta banyak lagi yang mempengaruhi sebuah kehidupan..
Maka sebab itu, kita tidak patut menyalahkan TUHAN, kerana semuanya sudah tersedia untuk kita yang bergelar manusia. Cuma, laluan setiap insan dalam meneruskan kehidupan di muka bumi ini berbeza..

Love strory - Taylor Swift
We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes and the flashback starts
I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air
See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns
See you make your way through the crowd
And say hello, little did I know
That you were Romeo
You were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you please don't go
And I said
Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story, baby, just say yes
So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew
So close your eyes, escape this town for a little while
Oh, oh, oh
'Cause you were Romeo,
I was a scarlet letter
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
But you were everything to me
I was begging you please don't go
And I said
Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story, baby, just say yes
Romeo, save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel
This love is difficult, but it's real
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess
It's a love story, baby, just say yes
Oh oh
I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you was fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town
And I said
Romeo save me, I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head, I don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and he pulled out a ring
And said
Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone
I love you and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad, you'll pick out a white dress
It's a love story, baby, just say yes
Oh, oh, oh, oh
'Cause we were both young when I first saw you

pErTh bOund
Vacations are the best time to relax and enjoy and I eagerly wait for my vacations every lets continue second day in Pert h.. Se...